The words we speak ~ how to write lipstick affirmations

....I am not immune to looking in the mirror and saying – what the XX&% are you doing Suzie.

I have those days, but these days I am quicker to catch myself tearing down the woman that looks at me from the mirror.

Do you do that?

I do it when I see the new wrinkles.

I do it when I have made the bad decisions.

the difference is now, I absolutely do recognise her kind eyes looking back at me, I see her trying her best and being a really good human.

It did bug me for some time that the natural route would be to pick on that person looking back at me, not always, but sometimes without me even knowing.

Before I knew she (me) had just gone for a shower and come back out talking her self out of the next step = giving up!

So you know what I did – just to shake things up a bit I got out the red lipstick and wrote – in big bold letters in squishy lipstick style right across the mirror I look in each day with the words….don’t give up.

~ Don’t give up ~

If you come to my house this is what you would see if you used my bathroom!

What exactly would I be giving up you ask?

Well some days its just trying to look nice….another it might be trying to be a better cook, another a better friend, a better mother or be a better daughter….just a better human. Mostly is the vision of the life I am creating for myself and my family. It is ok to choose you…

Literally ~ all of the things…all the doubts all of the wrong things, all of the mistakes come up. You have to get past these things and not give up!

Having these words jump right at me every morning reminds me to keep turning the pages of life.

Keep going, keep following the dream, the plan the direction I am walking in.

These words serve me well, whatever it is that I am trying to give up on, it reminds me NOT too.

I read them just because they are right in front of me and red lipstick on a mirror is hard to miss!!

Do I care when people come by to use my bathroom?

Mostly I forget about it being there. Unless they mention it.

I also forget about the words I write across my shower wall in gold white marker pen that say…

· Question the Brules

· Keep going ~ your closer than you think

· I believe in you….

· You can do this….




The list goes on….all the way down my wall….

Words of encouragement....

Words to remind me of what I want and the life I want to live.

Sometimes I write up there the words someone else in my family might need today, because they are having a tough time.

I love these words and I love that I did this for myself.

Because on those days when my eyes want to look to my feet and berate my mind and say gezz Suzie you are just so xxx whatever name calling I decide that day….…the words in gold texter, prevent that!

Because even though I forget they are there, I subconsciously look at them all the time.

Now I think you all probably think I am quite mad right now….but it works. You have to try it!

These comments again apply to EVERYTHING happening in my life from one week to the next.

I am about to start pottery this week – the last time I tried the big clunk of clay went sliding into the wall with a big splat…while my 8 year old spun out a bowl her first go on the wheel right next to me.

Yay me terrible = she is awesome.

So I will need the grit to keep going.

Because I am not a natural!

I just applied for a scholarship a big thing, that I have never done before.

Am I good enough? I had to believe I was to put in for it. And if I don’t get it, I will rack it up to experience.

But I am going to KEEP GOING! And I am NOT GOING TO GIVE UP.

So really, I keep the words there to stop procrastination or any mind spirals that will make me not do scary things.

And it’s not only me that it works for.

My husband started a new business 18 months ago, he tells me all the time how the words help him keep focused and on track and remind himself about where he is and what he is doing.

Remind him not to give up. Not that he would, but just in case!

My daughter showers in the same shower and then one day once asked – what’s the Brules Mum?

I was pretty happy to share that the B stands for bxllshit – meaning the bxllshit rules that others make up and we think we have to follow.

The rules that can sometimes mean we do not follow our hearts.

They make us question our thoughts, and our paths.

Our purpose. The purpose you decide for yourself. Not someone else.

I want you to question the Brules...

Think about it.

Question them, question the rules

Look further, look deeper.

Think for yourself.

If we believe it, we will find a way to do it.

We will keep searching for a way.

By the way my daughter never commented.

I can only hope in went in somewhere and she pulls it out at the right time in her life.

So there you go, my bathroom lipstick and gold pen affirmations are alive and well and work for our family, but mostly they are for me.

I need them, once I started, I became addicted.

Xx Happy days and affirmations to you xxx

Love Suzie

PS go buy that red lipstick and find a gold pen and get cracking!


How easily can you forgive?


Every thought has energy…ripple affects of negativity and the energy it carries.