Every thought has energy…ripple affects of negativity and the energy it carries.

The ripple effects of negativity and the energy it carries. Did you know that…

  • a thought has a measure of energy to it…

  • a word has even more energy…

  • and an action even more energy than that….

I have always thought that speaking negative words and taking negative action was not good thing to do.

To speak badly of others never feels good afterwards. I do not like that feeling at all, and being actively horrible to someone does not make me feel better, I actually just feel worse!

And thoughts… we have a gazillion thoughts a day, thousands of them. I guess there are negative ones in my head at times too if I am honest. But all of these thoughts have energy to it, they give out an energy wave to the world.

Take note.   Your thoughts count!

To think that your thoughts, good or bad, are contributing to the energy that makes a person who they are. And you are giving that energy to their spirit…did you know it then attaches itself to them.

So a negative thought, word or action grows the negative in that person.

The energy goes with them and holds them back from being better than who they are right now, kind of like a weighing down feeling.

Just think about all the negative thoughts you and I may have had about people over the years?

For me I have can remember the really heart-breaking moments of my first love break up, the feelings I had of absolute of anger and hate. The brooding and absolutely despising feelings of mean and nasty girls at school, all the poor people that have I been annoyed at, just sitting next to me loudly eating their lunch…eek… that happens a fair bit! :0) eating noises of others drives me crazy!

The idea is that all of these negative thoughts, even if you feel like it is well deserved, is that the energy of your thought goes out and attaches itself to that person.

I am all about good energy, the right people around you, listening with kindness and grace, but also moving on swiftly to protect yourself if they are not.

If you are the same, do you pull yourself up enough when it comes to your thoughts?

And, if we have thousand million trillion bazillion thoughts a day… how would one manage this?

Managing your thoughts ~ Brain Exercise

To see whether this works or not you can follow this brain training exercise I tried out recently to see where I was at, and to see how my body responded, as I started to be more mindful of my negative thoughts I might have on a day-to-day basis. 

I decided if I was thinking a negative thought about someone, I was going to try and find an absolute sterling quality about them to admire to see how that felt!

This is what happened…

When I went to get the store I came across a person who had terrible bad breath. I tried hard to ignore and have good feelings about the person, I tried my best to not acknowledge the smell and my feelings about it, and thought wow they do have the most incredible eyes….that changed my thoughts very quickly.  Their eyes were piercing blue and I kept my focus on the beautiful colour.

Then of all things the shop assistant who was not in a good mood when I asked where something was in the store and then as a consequence, I caught her energy ....it made me grumpy. I was then feeling a bit cranky because she was so curt towards me. I worked to change my cranky thought as swiftly as I could to - wow her skin is so smooth. Not easy but I did it. I could feel my shoulders relax and hold my head high. Stop being negative, move forwards I kept telling myself.

Just as I had finished and was going to the checkout, there was a young person who cut me off at a cashier to get in front. Immediate thought was less than gentle as I nearly fell backwards into the person behind me. I changed my thought from really unhappy ones to - oh gosh I love the way their hair bounces in the wind how lovely to be so carefree. I was fighting off the urge to go back to the negative comment, but to be honest all of it made me feel better about how I reacted.

Changing my thought defected the negative energy away from the moment.

How can your body react when changing a thought?

My body did indeed react, of course it was feeling uncomfortable with the moment, then when I switched to thinking all the lovely things, it felt like my thoughts were a mirror, therefore the negative energy I was receiving was being bounced back with the good thought I had.

Does this make sense?

Good thoughts formula

Bad thoughts were combated with compliment = good thought mirrored back to the person with good energy.

It really made me feel better.

I know sometimes we need to sit in our feelings and be in the hurt when needed, but in countering small everyday moments like this, it brought attention and awareness to where my thinking energy was going.

It reminded me that we can chose to not have that negative thought…we can change our thoughts, and be better off for it.

The biggest learning for me was how many negative thoughts we can have in the space of that one hour at the shops…eek!

Changing and setting intentions

A way to combat something we are trying to change is to write intentions for ourselves. For thinking good thoughts more often than I do.  I wrote a new intention for myself and stuck it on the fridge.

“How many opportunities can I find to have good positive thoughts towards others in my daily activities in the world?”

If you want to write a good intention for yourself you can too

Just start with “How many ways can I ………………….”

Trick is to read it often, plus it onto your car dashboard, write it on the wall in the bathroom! Leave a copy of it next to your bed so you see it each morning. Keep it front of mind.


The words we speak ~ how to write lipstick affirmations